Uptime: 103h 26m
Players: 0


How to buy house?

When we want to buy a house, first of all we need to have the right amount of money to buy a chosen house. The second requirement is to have 200 level on the character. Once we meet the values, face the door from the house we are looking for and then enter! Buyhouse to buy a house.

In the cottage we have several commands for use, among others: aleta som, aleta sio, aleta grav and alana sio. The first som command can be added to the list of people who have the power to add new people to the house, throw away, set the rights to the door.

The next command is the aleta sio command, which adds characters to the list, which can enter the house, but can not open the door in the house.

The next command can be set, who can open or close the indicated door from our house.

The last command is the ala sio command, thanks to it we will throw the indicated player out of the house or himself if someone closes us in their house.


1. Pekuje 8
2. Nobkiem Go 8
3. Jeb Sie 8
4. Idiota 8
5. Amigos 8